
Posts Tagged ‘sex and poliics’

I’m catching up on Mike Collins, my favorite blogger. And he makes a point that I have found myself reiterating on numerous occasions, brought on by a variety of events, in one of his somewhat-recent entries.

“Don’t stick your nose in other people’s business.”

Ok, let’s Talk About Sex and Politics

Yes Mr Collins, let’s do that… although the whole point of the piece is that we shouldn’t be doing that!

My favorite part: “Let me add my 2-cents worth: WHATEVER John Edwards might have done sexually does not affect my life, not one iota. And, I believe that all the folks who get so wired up about issues like this are using them to avoid addressing issues in their own lives.” Well put… I am glad to say that I tend to ignore these media ordeals, but am I also ignoring my own issues. Gooood question!

Although maybe blowing off such “news” because it is petty and irrelevant to my life is just my excuse for being completely oblivious to what’s going on these days.

Who played in that football game yesterday?

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